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Author: Ana Seco Durán

These days I am designing the invitation for my up comming exhibition, this brings me back to so many designs I have done for catalogs, posters, invittions, tags labels and posters . Here are just some of them I have created for over the years.....

Invitation for a fashion show in Tenerife . fashion created in Mary Help college in Ethiopia and shown on two fund raising events one in Gran Canaria and one in tenerife. 2008.
                                                Catalogs for several of my paintings exhibitions.

                                           Poster Autoescuela ECO, Grán Canaria.

Posters for the Chain store Encuentro Moda, Tenerife 1998
                                              Logo for Ethiopian hand made products.2008
                                            Paper tag for knit wear collection, Encuentro moda
                                          Fabric Tag Knit wer collection Encuentro moda.
                                 Invitations and posters for Arabesque designs fashion show. 2011

1 comentarios:

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