Head band Hand made in Polymer clay, , semiprecious stones and feathers

Heart collection: Necklaceheartshape earings:45€.
Simple earing20€ (stone and fabric)
Colección corazón azul. Collar: 80€.Pendientes corazón:45€.
Pendienes simples:20€.
Long blue necklace: 95€. bracelet:39€,earings 45€.
Orders to anaseco@anaseco.com
Collar largo azul:95€.pulsera 49€,pendientes 45€
Green collection: Long necklace 95€.Bracelet.39€Silver earings: 19€
orderes at . pedidos :anaseco@anaseco.com
Colección verde: collar largo 95€. Pulsera:39€.Pendientes de plata:19€. Diadem 29€. Broche 28€
Red 1 collection: Necklace: 89€. Bracelets 39€. Earings 45€. headband 29€
Orders to anaseco@anaseco.com
Colección Rojo 1: Collar: 89€. Pulseras 39€. Pendientes 45€. Diadema 29€. Broche 29€
Red 2 collection: Necklace 89€.Earings: 25€. Broche 29€
orders at : anaseco@anaseco.com
Colección roja 2: Collar 89€.Pendientes 25€. Broches 29€
Butterfly collection: Necklace: 29€. Earings: 29€. Broche: 29€
orders at Pedidos: anaseco@anaseco.com. 2 weeks delivery
Colección Mariposas: Collar: 29€. pendientes 29€. Broche: 29€
Cooper collection: Long necklace 89€. Hoop necklace 29€.Earings. 29€.Broche 29€
Orders.Pedidos: anaseco@anaseco.com. 2 weeks delivery
Colección cobre: Collar largo 89€. Collar de argolla: 29€. pendientes29€. Broche:29€
Cooper collection. hoop necklace: 29€. Colección cobre. collar de rgolla: 29€
Safety pin brooches 29€. Normal broches 29€.
Broches de imperdible 29€, broches normales: 29€
Orders. Pedidos. anaseco@anaseco.com
On May 2010 I met by chance at Townhouse gallery in Cairo the Danish designer Pia Busk. We became friends and together decided to create two accessories collections to be presente together and with a common Egyptian theme. The arabesques of the kjaiameia Egyptian fabrics........
We decided to present the resulting collections during the Copenhagen fashion festival, and here are the pictures of the fashion show....
Pia Busk created a wonderfull collection of hand made handbags and computer cases. I created jewelery and hair accessories using polymer clay, the kjaiameia fabrics and semipretious stones.
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